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News — honey jars

Community Altar Work for January

altar work honey jars

I’m offering community honey jar altar work monthly, beginning after the new moon each month. One service is for matters relating to prosperity/career/income and one is for matters relating to love/relationships (they don’t have to be romantic relationships). January’s community altar work services start on Wednesday, January 13th. Here are the details for the prosperity/career/income service: This service, focusing on goals related to prosperity, work, income, and career success, has your name/petition added to a sweet jar with the names/petitions of other community members having similar goals. I work these community jars on my altars for a month, from new moon to new moon, with special attention to...

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St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs

art honey jars household woes housekeeping hyatt literary analysis madame lindsey medieval legends medieval manuscripts monsters peaceful home products religion rootwork education saints st. joseph st. martha sweetening work

St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs

St. Martha is the patron saint of servers, cooks, domestic workers, housewives, and those in the hospitality industry - those who are behind the scenes making important things go even when nobody notices.

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