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News — peaceful home

June Saint of the Month: Sacred Heart of Jesus

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June Saint of the Month: Sacred Heart of Jesus

Last Friday was the Feast of the Sacred Heart. I wrote this post on Friday but didn’t manage to actually, er, post it :) Anyway, that feast is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so familiar a symbol that even non-Catholics tend to recognize it. Usually pictured as a flaming heart crowned with thorns, and often featuring a cross and a wound and/or droplets of blood, the Sacred Heart is a symbol of Jesus’ patient and eternal love and compassion for humanity. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is often practiced to obtain grace, mercy, a peaceful home, consolation in grief, blessings, compassion, and...

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St. Raymond Altar Service: Stop Gossip, Court Case, Peaceful Home, Employment

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St. Raymond Altar Service: Stop Gossip, Court Case, Peaceful Home, Employment

This work begins the night of August 31, the feast day of St. Raymond Nonnatus, but there is some wiggle room and you absolutely can book late, as long as you see slots still available. St. Raymond Nonnatus gets his name — which means the not-born — by virtue of his being delivered by C-section. Considering this happened in the early 13th century, it was quite an unusual event (and doubtless quite grisly), but his poor mother died in childbirth and this was the only way Raymond could be saved. This is where his patronage of pregnant women, childbirth, midwives, and babies comes...

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St. Martha Altar Service: Steady Work, Fair Pay, Balance of Power, Peaceful Home, Domination -- with Pay What You Can options

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St. Martha Altar Service: Steady Work, Fair Pay, Balance of Power, Peaceful Home, Domination -- with Pay What You Can options

This work begins the night of July 29th, the feast day of St. Martha, but there are several different modes of different lengths running concurrently here, so you absolutely can book late, as long as you see slots still available for the service you're interested in. St. Martha in the Bible: “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” – John 11:5 Famously depicted in the Bible as getting stuck with all the cooking and cleaning while her sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to him teach, St. Martha is the patron saint of servers, cooks, domestic workers, housewives,  and those...

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St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs

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St. Martha, from Gospel Figure to Medieval Legend to La Dominadora: Sources, Resources, and FAQs

St. Martha is the patron saint of servers, cooks, domestic workers, housewives, and those in the hospitality industry - those who are behind the scenes making important things go even when nobody notices.

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